Friday, June 14, 2013

If I could do anything with my country, then I would...

This is not a,"If I was President for a day", question. This is about real power. The POTUS is powerful, perhaps more powerful than any single human alive right now, but he is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the dictators of old, the kings of yore and the emperors of forgotten civilizations. They had total, unquestioned power.

If I had that power over modern America, how would I use it? I suspect most people would find some lavish beach-side mansion and throw a huge party. They would probably have drugs, drinks and sex galore. It would be a glorious, two-week bash for the ages. I would do that, but AFTER the party, how would I make my country a better place? Here's some ideas...

1) Close the borders. No more immigration, at least for a few months. Let us clear the garbage and clean the tables before bringing more patrons to the restaurant. They can come, but we have to clean first. The relief that this would place on the economy is incalculable. I am not saying they can't come, or that they never should, let's just hold off for a bit, ok?

2) End the wars. All troops out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and wherever the hell else they are. Come home, we need you here, and frankly, you're spending too much money abroad. There is a 1 BILLION dollar American embassy in Baghdad...Seriously?

3) Cycle out the government. No more Congressman, Senators or Representatives for life, constantly getting re-elected. You are out of touch with the common man. Not an insult, just a fact.

4) Legalize marijuana, which has never killed anyone. In 10,000 years (or more) of human history, marijuana has NEVER been proven to kill anyone. Let that sink in. Alcohol (and alcohol-related crimes) attribute for 75,000 deaths EVERY YEAR. Tobacco? 5 million deaths worldwide. Why are these legal and marijuana is not? Because marijuana has medicinal properties, which could hurt the pharmaceutical industry. Let's use common sense here, and if I was ruler of American, we would all have access to this harmless (and fun) plant.

5) Reform the correction system. No more violent offenders housed with non-violent ones. No more nice TV's, computer access or free healthcare. Prison is punishment, let's treat it as such. And let's put our inmates to work, even if they're just breaking bigger stones into smaller ones, they need to contribute to society. I know this already happens, but to a small degree. And let's get the executions rolling; no more 10-20 years on death row...If you can't successfully appeal your case in 3 years, nothing is gonna change. Everybody dies.

6) Personal accountability. You are responsible for where you are in life. The choices you have made and the things you have done are why you are where you are. If you don't like your station in life, well, that's 95% your fault. The other 5% may be other people's faults, but you can't control that anyway, right?

That's what I would do with total power in America, just for starters. I'm pretty sure once my power was vacated that I would be lynched in the streets...What would you do with total power?

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