Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The joy of creating anything.

Rabid fans,

There are times in life when we feel...alive. Perhaps it is when you tango on Saturday night, or when you climb a 10,000 foot peak, or maybe when you secure a large business deal. Those are your moments, you are the King or Queen. Many people live for those moments, regardless of how few and far between they may come. Those are the moments when your heart races and sweat forms on your brow. Every sense is sharpened and you are in the zone. Everyone, at some point in their lives, has experienced those amazing moments.

Unfortunately, those highs do not last long. You can revisit the scene of the crime, if you will, but the thrill has probably faded. Over the years you develop a tolerance, and suddenly kissing your wife or bungee-jumping off that cliff isn't quite the experience that it was when you were younger. This happens to everyone and is the most natural thing in the world.

But there is a different kind of high.

This is the high when you do something wholesome, fulfilling. Perhaps you built a house? You bruised your hands and banged your knees, but you did something that will last. Maybe you are a nurse that tirelessly cares for very sick people, day in and day out. Sure, you are stressed out and maybe bitter, but you've done something real in this world. Something meaningful. That is what writing a book is for me.

When I write a novel, I go through a broad spectrum of emotions: Frustration, mental exhaustion, doubt, joy, anger, peace, love. Those emotions come and go over the months that I ply my craft, and eventually the job is done. When I can look at that finished manuscript and know it was worth my time, I am more contented than at any other time. I have created something. Something permanent.

This is not religious. Religious types will tell you that you have created something, mimicked what your own Creator has done, and that is where your deep sense of satisfaction is originating. Others will say that you have externalized, in a tangible way, your deep talents and skills. That is another theory. Others say to create anything is simply a joyful, fulfilling experience. Some will say that creating a human life is the greatest joy on Earth, and many, many people will agree with that.

Simply put, creating something is a deep, powerful experience that stays with you for the rest of your life. For me, when my life has ended and my story told, my books will remain. That small nugget of knowledge brings unparalleled joy to my work. My work. I am an author. A creator.



Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to start a new Historical Fiction novel

YAY! I've finally completed my 5th full-length novel and I am very pleased with how it turned out. It took me just under 3 months to write a 60,000+ word Historical Romance set during the Civil War. The book was fun, the work was easy and life is good.

Well, it wasn't all easy. There was the research.

Depending on genre, research is a must for writing a book. Genres such as horror, sci-fi, supernatural and drama require a bit less research than writing anything historical or anything with technical implications. For example, Richard Marcinko has written numerous (10+) books on Navy SEALS, and it's obvious he can speak the jargon and intelligently describe equipment, training procedures and daily life. And for Historical Fictions? Forget about it. You need to know your time period. People spoke differently, worked unusual jobs and lived lives that are non-existent now.

And now my blog post can truly begin.

I'm writing on the Fifth Crusade now. I recently wrote the Fourth Crusade, which will make writing the Fifth Crusade easier, but it's still quite difficult.

How did Europe look nine hundred years ago? What did people do? Did everyone farm? If so, what kinds of crops? What was the landscape like? How about towns and major cities? What about the government? How did they administer their laws? How did one travel around Europe? What kind of clothes did they wear? During the Crusades men of numerous nations came together under unifying military banners...what language was spoken amongst the troops? How were translations handled?

These are just a scant-few of the questions a writer must answer before they can write a realistic, believable novel. Obviously I can get on Google and find answers, but how do I apply that information to paper while still writing an interesting story? Basically, the beginning of any new novel is exciting and daunting. As my Fifth Crusade novel is in its' infancy stages, I have to take the time to appreciate the enormity of this undertaking. Now, that's enough of this crazy, random blogging.

I have research to do.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The joys of looking angry

I'm not an angry person. I'm (in my opinion) actually quite friendly and occasionally talkative. Not loquacious, per se, but affable. But today is hump day and I'm sleeeepyy...very sleepy. For some reason my "sleepy face" also looks rather annoyed and detached. I suspect this is true of many people. Anyways, walking around with my sleepy face has garnered me quite a few "don't f@$! with him looks" and I couldn't be happier.

It's not that I want people to think I'm dangerous or anything other than what I really am, but it's nice to not bother saying hello to people who you don't want to, smiling at random people in the elevator and cheerfully chatting with some of God's dumbest creations. People are leaving me alone, and that's given me time to think about my upcoming book, my family, sports...It's almost like being cut off from the world. And that has led me to wonder, do many convicts feel the same way, all the time? Perhaps they don't like people, plain and simple. I'm not saying that I want to be left alone all the time (like solitary confinement) but there is definitely such a thing as too much socializing.

And thank God I don't have to deal with it today.

Friday, July 5, 2013

The American fear of losing your job

Faithful readers,

Today is Friday, July 5th. It is the day after family and friends, fireworks and barbecue, and of course, a big ol' parade in downtown. I have to work today because my place of employment is a radiation treatment center for people with cancer. Apparently, if we were closed today, (we were closed yesterday, of course) then our cancer patients would be forced to go 4 entire days without their treatment, which is almost more detrimental than not even getting treated in the first place. So long story short, I have to work today.

But I digress.

This day is unique in another way: I'm working side-by-side with my manager because a few far-sighted employees asked for July 5th off, like, 2 months in advance. And that's where the story begins:

My manager is a woman who tells LOTS of stories. Endless stories, tales and narratives. If you want to have a conversation with her, be prepared to speak for 6 seconds, endure a 15 minute story, and then you get 6 more seconds. If you TRY to tell her a story that is any longer than fifteen seconds, she gets this bored expression and eyeballs you like your job is on the line. And that got me thinking...Why am I scared of losing my job? I mean, if you asked everyone in America if they wanted a new job, how many people would jump all over the chance? The majority would, I'd bet my left nut on. But we're all scared. We stay stuck in jobs that we don't like, with people we don't like, because of the stigma of "losing your job." If you are unemployed,  you are a loser.  That is what we are told by our friends, wives (or husbands) and the media.

But dammit, I want a new job! I've been here 2 1/2 years and I have enough money to leave my job and not need to work for a short period of time. I could easily find another job; there are dozens of postings for my skills at dozens of places in my city. So why do I stay somewhere that I don't want to be? I don't know. All I know is that the next time my manager starts another one of her marathon stories (while the work builds up around us), I'm going to seriously consider my fear of unemployment, and today, I might just overcome my fear.

